Do you want a convenient way to help your bariatric surgery patients eat right to minimise surgical complications?
Become an Enlighten Partner so your patients can access Australia’s leading online program for weight loss surgery
The eatRIGHT 90 DAY TRANSITION PROGRAM is delivered on-line to guide patients through what to eat, drink, cook and buy for each pre and post-op transition stage.
EatRIGHT 90 DAY TRANSITION is an evidenced based program to assist patients cope with the dramatic changes in eating they will experience after bariatric surgery.
An EatRight 90 Day Transition subscription ensures patients receive practical support through each peri-operative stage, at their convenience.
The program contains all essential peri-operative nutritional advice including:
- How to prepare for surgery by reducing liver size with a pre-operative Very Low Energy Diet that’s modified for protein adequacy;
- How to maintain adequate hydration in the early post-operative period;;
- How to realistically meet minimum protein requirements aimed at preserving lean muscle mass. Individual daily protein targets are calculated using equations appropriate for an obese population;
- Prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can have serious health consequences (Bariatric Beri Beri, irreversible neuropathy) with advice about appropriate supplementation;
- What to eat during each of the post-operative dietary stages from thin nourishing fluids to puree consistencies and the gradual re-introduction of more normal textured foods;
- Information and support to identify symptoms requiring surgical review, including more personalised dietetic intervention as clinically indicated.
Become an Enlighten Partner
Nicole West, co-founder of Enlighten Nutrition, brings extensive experience as a bariatric surgery dietitian. Since 2007, she has been dedicated to supporting bariatric surgery patients.
To inquire about becoming an Enlighten Partner or to discuss how our program can benefit you and your patients, please email Nicole at